Hey kids,
das hier ist eigentlich nichts außer einem cuten Outfit und ich weiß nicht so ganz wo ich es einordnen soll, deshalb: Hier habt ihr es einfach.
Ein Rock von NYCT Clothing den ich supernice finde weil ich immer schon so einen punky funky Rock haben wollte, dann ein ein bisschen durchsichtiges Top das mir Leni geborgt hat und einen Mantel von TOPMAN.
Achja und fragt mich nicht warum ich einen Basketball habe, ich hab wirklich keine Ahnung.
Also, so what,
Hey kids,
this is nothing but a cute outfit and I don't really know where to put it.
So here it is.
A skirt from NYCT Clothing which I love because I've always wanted to have a such a punky funky skirt (ahw) with a kind of see-through black top that I borrowed from my best friend Leni.
The coat is from TOPMAN and I love it okay.
Don't ask me why the hell I carry a basketball because I really don't know so that's that.
Montag, 29. Dezember 2014
Montag, 22. Dezember 2014
Nummer zwei der ICHBINSOVERLIEBT IN SIE shirts.
Vielleicht ist der Print nicht so passend, ich meine es ist Weihnachtszeit und Weihnachtszeit ist Friede Freude Liebes - Zeit aber egaaal
ihr wisst dass ich euch liebe ok.
Danke danke danke dass ihr da seid und egal wie viele ihr seid ich freue mich so über jedes Kommentar und jeden Follow und ihr seid die besten.
Ich wünsche euch, euren Familien und euren Freunden ein schönes Weihnachtsfest, habt tolle Tage und ich hoffe es besteht keine Notwendigkeit das Shirt über die Festtage wegen dem Print zu tragen, sondern nur weils so cool ist hihi.
Also, bye bye, ich werd mal weiter meine Geschenke einpacken...
Number two of the ILYSOMUCH shirts.
I mean maybe that's not that adequate because there are two days to go until christmas and christmas should be the time of love and peace
but who cares you know that I love you guys,
thank you so much for being there and no matter how many you are I appreciate every comment and follow.
I kinda like you
a merry christmas to you and your families and friends, have nice days and I hope you don't need to wear this shirt because of the print but because of how cool it is.
so bye bye
I'm going to continue wrapping my christmas gifts - xx
hair piece - a friends closet
socks - H&M
tights - H&M
Montag, 1. Dezember 2014
Hey guys,
ich bin so cool und hab ein neues Wort erfunden, bin mir sicher dass es in kürzester Zeit auf Twitter trending sein wird (nicht.) (sagt man das so?) - egaal also meine Damen und Herren ich präsentiere ihnen das zukünftige Jugendwort des Jahres 2015 -
SHATT kurz für: Stay High All The Time
Bin so cool wow can't handle it.
ok ok ok kommen wir zum Punkt - ich hab ja nicht umsonst ein neues Wort erfunden, sondern weil ich ein paar neue Sachen hab, unter anderem zwei T-Shirts und neue Socken (Die Marken und Shops verlinke ich euch am Ende des Posts!) bekommen habe, und und ein bisschen kreativ sein wollte hihi.
Also, sagt hi zu der Nummer 1 meiner neuen Lieblingsshirts!
(oh und findet ihr nicht auch, dass meine socks 2 fancy for the world sind?)
(oh und findet ihr nicht auch, dass meine socks 2 fancy for the world sind?)
Hey guys,
Hey guys,
guess what I just invented a new word and I'm sure it's gonna be trending on twitter soon (not).
And here, ladies and gentlemen, it comes.
short for: Stay High All The Time
short for: Stay High All The Time
(I'm so cool wow can't handle it)
as you may have noticed I am finally back with a new post (yeaaahy), and I have not invented a word for fun okay I've invented it because I have some new stuff, including two new shirts and some reaaaally cool socks (links to the stores and brands are at the end of the post!) and I tried to be creative. But long story short:
say hello to number 1 of my new favourite t-shirts!
(oh and don't you think that my socks are way 2 fancy?)
(oh and don't you think that my socks are way 2 fancy?)
socks - SAMMY ICON
tights - H&M
watch - CASIO
choker - CLAIRES
cat - LENI
Mittwoch, 24. September 2014
(i don't love) HIM
it's from the amazing "The Orphan's Arms" shop -> get their stuff HERE
my skirt is an old selfmade skirt from my mum and I rarely wear it but it kind of matches this t-shirt.
my little brother magically transformed from a little annoying kid to some kind of male model?
check out his instagram HERE
Samstag, 20. September 2014
Ich leb noch! (stayin' alive und so)
Meine allerneuste Errungenschaft: Ein Sweatshirt von Jesus Crysd (shop -> HERE), das erst vor ein paar Tagen mit einem Stoß Sticker in einem kleinen Paket bei mir zuhause ankam.
Es ist innen so flauschig IHR GLAUBT ES NICHT.
Habs ganz einfach mit kaputten Jeans kombiniert und meinen Hut eingepackt und voila, schon ein: "Wow du bist heute durchgestyled!" von meiner besten Freundin bekommen.
Dabei ist das Outfit total simpel. also denkt dran - manchmal ist weniger mehr, egal, who cares, tragt einfach was immer ihr wollt (egal was.)
Was auch immer - ich lieb euch, ihr seid cute,
bye bye und ciao!
Hey sweeties!
I'm alive (wohaaa), my brandnew piece: A sweatshirt from the austrian brand Jesus Crysd (shop -> HERE), which only arrived some days before together with a bunch of stickers.
It's so comfy I don't want to take it off again ahw.
Wearing it simply with a pair of ripped jeans and a hat, my best friend asked me why I look so stylish and I was like: "Huh that outfit is sooo simple!"
Whatever, keep in mind - sometimes less is more - anyway, who cares, wear whatever you want to wear!
I love you, you're cute
bye bye and ciao,
Samstag, 2. August 2014
ROCK YOUR LIFE / festival #2
Es ist August, schmeckt ihr den salzigen Wind?
Ahw, meine Sommergarderobe ist endlich mehr oder weniger komplett mit diesen mega super coolen High Waist Shorts von NYCT CLOTHING.
Ich lieb den Shop so so so so sehr wirklich es lohnt sich da vorbei zu schauen!
Aber zum Rest. Das Shirt hab ich selbst gemacht, einfach mit einer Schere alles das zu viel war brutal abgeschnitten und irgendwie ist was cooles rausgekommen haha.
Übrigens: Keine Schuhe sind die besten Schuhe okay.
Aaaaußerdem ist das hier Teil zwei meiner Festival-Outfit Serie, diesmal mehr grungy als indie und irgendwie mag ich das Outfit sogar mehr.
oki, dann meine Lieben
wünsch ich euch noch einen schönen Sommer und ich melde mich ganz bald,
It's August, can you taste the salty breeze?
My summer wardrobe is finally complete with these amazing distressed cut-off shorts from NYCT Clothing (just click to have a look!)
I'm honestly so in love with their store and my heart beats faster everytime I receive new stuff.
But tooo the rest of the look.
The top is made by myself, I just took a pair of scissors and cut off everything very roughly.
Oh and, no shoes are the best shoes! :b
Further, this is part two of my festival series, this time more grungy than indie but I love this look even more.
So then kiddos, I wish you an amazing summer and you'll hear from me sooooon

sorry for the bad quality of the pictures my computer is a basket of shxx
top - DIY
sunglasses - THRIFTED
Dienstag, 29. Juli 2014
black is the new flowercrown

Da es jeden Tag schüttet - hier mein Outfit für kühle Festivalnächte.
Das Wetter nervt.
as it's raining cats and dogs here's my "chilly festival nights" outfit.
the weather pisses me of
dress - H&M
sweater - ZARA
hat - H&M
(I'm sorry for being an H&M ad)
- thanks to Julian Koch / http://juliankoch.org/
Mittwoch, 9. Juli 2014
Für alle rock'n'roller unter euch, hab da was für euch.
Die Jungs von SO FAR FROM HOME machen superfreshen Alternative Rock, schaut mal rein:
CAN'T ESCAPE YOUR FAITH by so far from home.
Ok das war jetzt ein bisschen viel Werbung aber der Typ an der Gitarre ist mein bester Freund und so hah. Egal, schaut einfach mal rein, Talent fehlt denen auf jeden Fall sicher nicht.
Ich lieb auch das T-Shirt sehr muss ich sagen, vor allem die Farbe. Die Shorts sind von nem Markt in Thailand und die Schuhe von asos.
Das ganze Outfit ist ziemlich einfach und so aber ich liebs weils sooo gemütlich ist und irgendwie schon sehr rockt, oder?
hihi ich wünsch euch schöne Ferien,
For all of the rock'n'rollers of you guys, I've got something fresh.
The young austrian Band SO FAR FROM HOME takes alternative rock seriously.
Here you go for awesome riffs: CAN'T ESCAPE YOUR FAITH by so far from home
Okay that was a little much advertising but the boy on the guitar is my best friend so. Give them a chance they're really talented.
I also really love their merch, the colour of the top is awesome don't you think so?
The shorts are from a market in thailand and the boots from asos.
The look is so simple but it's comfy and I love it.
Have a nice summer break!
t-shirt - SO FAR FROM HOME (if you want one, tell me and I'll get one for you!)
shorts - thailand
boots - ASOS
overknees - H&M
watch - CASIO
Mittwoch, 21. Mai 2014
summer vibes. - indie/festival #1
summer vibes!
hey ihr süßen, endlich endlich endlich ist der Sommer auf dem Weg zu uns und man stirbt nicht mehr halb wenn man ohne Pulli draußen ist. Das Licht kitzelt unsere Nasen und irgendwie auch unsere Herzen finde ich. Ich hab mich dazu entschlossen eine kleine Indie/Festival Look - Serie zu machen, mit Anregungen für euch für den Sommer. Das ist der erste Teil, wenn ihr etwas besonderes sehen wollt, kommentiert einfach mit Anregungen, ich geh gerne darauf ein!
So. Hier ein paar Bilder von Pia, die auch die aus dem letzten Post gemacht hat.
So. Hier ein paar Bilder von Pia, die auch die aus dem letzten Post gemacht hat.
Leider gibts aus dieser Serie nur Fotos mit dem süßen kleinen Gartenstuhl, mein Outfit kann man gar nicht erkennen, aber das ist auch nicht wichtig. Ich trage unter dem Cardigan ein ganz normales weinrotes Trägershirt und eine normale Highwaist Jeansshorts.
In die Sonnenbrille hab ich mich verliebt, leider gehört sie nicht mir sondern Pias Papa hmpf.
Pias Hund mochte mich irgendwie, oder er mochte die Kamera, kleine Diva tsss. Er wollte einfach nicht aus dem Bild, also haben wir ihn einfach an meiner Seite modeln lassen.
Schönes Wochenende euch! (Ist ja nicht mehr lange)
hey sweeties!
Finally summer is arriving in austria and you're not almost dying anymore, if you go outside without a sweatshirt on. The light tickles our noses, aswell as our hearts.
I decided to do a little series with the topic indie/festival outfits to give you some suggestions for summer. If you want to see something special, just write it in the comments!
I decided to do a little series with the topic indie/festival outfits to give you some suggestions for summer. If you want to see something special, just write it in the comments!
These pictures are made by Pia, who took the pictures from my last post too.
Unfortunately there are only pictures with this sweet garden chair and you can't see my outfit, but it's unimportant anyway. I'm just wearing a burgundy basic top and high waisted jeans shorts with my cardigan.
I fell in love with the sunglasses but they're not mine meh.
Pia's dog liked me in some way, or maybe he liked the camera, little diva hah, he didn't want to leave the picture so we just let him model by my side.
Have a nice weekend!
cardigan - H&M
basic top - H&M
shorts - WRANGLER (diy)
shoes - VANS
sunglasses - VINTAGE
hat - ? (uh I forgot the hat, I borrowed it from Pia!)
Mittwoch, 14. Mai 2014
don't grow up, it's a trap!
hey ihr,
es tut mir soooo leid dass die qualität diesmal so schlecht ist, aber irgendetwas stimmt mit der auflösung der Bilder nicht, ich hoffe es ist nicht all zu schlimm.
Das crop top ist wieder von NYCT-clothing und ich liebs! Vor allem der Spruch hat es mir angetan hihi, erwachsen werden ist irgendwie nichts für mich.
Die Jeans ist eine alte von meiner Mama, die ich selbst abgeschnitten hab und die Uhr hab ich zum Geburtstag bekommen.
Die Fotos gemacht hat die super coole Pia, in ihrem Garten und ich sags euch so einen Garten habt ihr noch nie im Leben gesehen, wie im Märchen!
(schaut mal auf Pias Seite vorbei! -> HIER ein groooßes danke nochmal an dich und auch an Denise für das Make-up!)
Hey guys,
I'm so sorry for the bad quality of the photos I don't know how this happened but there somehow is a problem with the picture resolution.
The crop-top is from NYCT Clothing again and I love it so much, especially the quote on it, growing up sucks, I want to stay a teenager forever (that's stupid nah).
The jeans are self cut, it's an old pair from my mum and the watch is a birthday present.
The photos were taken by the wonderful Pia in her garden, and I swear, you've never seen such a garden in your life, it feels like a fairy-tale. (check out Pia's facebook page -> HERE , a huge thanks to you and also to Denise for the make-up!)
top - NYCT Clothing -> get it HERE
shorts - WRANGLER (diy)
shoes - VANS
watch - CASIO
Samstag, 3. Mai 2014
a note to my followers and everyone else
Hey guys,
it's incredible how much feedback I got for my last post (okay it's not really much but for me it is hah), and I love you all, really, thanks for the support and thank you so much for the 1k on lookbook, this feels so unrealistic, gosh. Whenever you find something you want me to write about or something you do/do not like on my blog please, please, please let me know, so that I can try getting better and better in what I'm doing.
Improving oneself is an important process, and because I'm not professional in what I do, improvement is the best thing that can happen to me.
Sitting here with my laptop in my lap, on the floor of my room I'm trying to find the right words for this post.
How does my english sound? Is it so bad that you don't like reading what I write but only look at the pictures? Or is there any word I use too often?
I'm not that kind of blogger who lives for her blog, who always thinks about blogging and who tries hard to get new collaboration offers and stuff. (Don't get this wrong - I love collaborations, I really do and because it's ironic right now: just message me for collaboration offers - oops shesh). But back to the topic.
I'm more the "oh I have new pictures let's blog them" kind of blogger.
You can't expect a professional and well planned blog from my site, I just post the pictures which look good in my opinion and share these parts of my style with you, which I like the most.
I know that I'm no professional fashion-blogger and that's not what I call myself.
I'm just a teenage girl who likes to share her style with the world.
please take part in my poll! writing everything in german AND english is really exhausting and if all of my followers do speak english it would be much easier to write everything in english.
But it's your turn to decide now! You find the poll under my header on the right side!
I'm sorry for this "only writing" post, but a picture post will follow veeeeeeeeeeeery soon hihi
it's incredible how much feedback I got for my last post (okay it's not really much but for me it is hah), and I love you all, really, thanks for the support and thank you so much for the 1k on lookbook, this feels so unrealistic, gosh. Whenever you find something you want me to write about or something you do/do not like on my blog please, please, please let me know, so that I can try getting better and better in what I'm doing.
Improving oneself is an important process, and because I'm not professional in what I do, improvement is the best thing that can happen to me.
Sitting here with my laptop in my lap, on the floor of my room I'm trying to find the right words for this post.
How does my english sound? Is it so bad that you don't like reading what I write but only look at the pictures? Or is there any word I use too often?
I'm not that kind of blogger who lives for her blog, who always thinks about blogging and who tries hard to get new collaboration offers and stuff. (Don't get this wrong - I love collaborations, I really do and because it's ironic right now: just message me for collaboration offers - oops shesh). But back to the topic.
I'm more the "oh I have new pictures let's blog them" kind of blogger.
You can't expect a professional and well planned blog from my site, I just post the pictures which look good in my opinion and share these parts of my style with you, which I like the most.
I know that I'm no professional fashion-blogger and that's not what I call myself.
I'm just a teenage girl who likes to share her style with the world.
please take part in my poll! writing everything in german AND english is really exhausting and if all of my followers do speak english it would be much easier to write everything in english.
But it's your turn to decide now! You find the poll under my header on the right side!
I'm sorry for this "only writing" post, but a picture post will follow veeeeeeeeeeeery soon hihi
Montag, 28. April 2014
'til death baby
Aye guys, today it's me again in black with some denim. I'm addicted to black as you can see, hah.
This lovely top is from NYCT Clothing you can get it -> HERE
They have so many lovely crop tops ( did I already tell you that I'm addicted to crop tops as well?), and I wish I could have every single one nahw.
Other posts with crop tops will follow hihi.
So now to the rest of the look, I'm wearing the top with a pair of black shorts which look more like a skirt and if my legs would have the size of real legs it wouldn't just look more like a skirt but look like a real skirt (illusion time - confusion time, I'm sorry guys)
whatever. These shorts are from ASOS aswell are my boots, I think if you follow my blog you should know them. Aaaaaand I proudly introduce you my new second hand denim jacket. (it'ssuperamazingcool)
The bag is so lovely too and I'm so happy that I found it in the mess of my room again after a year (ehehehe oops.)
I took these pictures with my friend Alina from Spirit of a Daydream, a supercute lady, have a look at her Blog! -> HERE
by the way from this post on I try to make the pictures a little bigger, just tell me if you want them smaller again or if I should keep going like this.
(I'm a little excited about my life today, sorry, bye)
shorts - ASOS
tights - H&M
boots - ASOS
watch (I forgot to mention the watch oopsie) - CASIO
bag - PICARD
jacket - VINTAGE
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